اسبانيا. Spain Visa Types, Requirements, Application & Guidelines

Your passport must have at least two blank pages Purpose of the journey negotiations, meetings, events by intergovernmental organizations, consultations• Notarized travel permission from parent parental travel consent• Income Tax Return ITR If a student:• Both companies are accepted by Spanish Embassies and Consulates worldwide
Proof of civil status marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, ration card if applicable• Invitation letter from the above-mentioned authorities with details upon the nature of events or activities — the purpose of visit, expense coverage• Pension statement of the latest 6 months If applicable:• for the whole duration of the intended stay in Spain A copy of your business license• Certificate of completion or courses attended• — Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay in Spain

Spain Visa Types, Requirements, Application & Guidelines

A medical attestation from the hospital or doctor in Spain, confirming the date of your appointment as well as your medical situation• A cover letter stating the purpose of the visit to Spain and itinerary.

Spain Visa Types, Requirements, Application & Guidelines
, fill it completely and with sincerity
Spain Visa Types, Requirements, Application & Guidelines
Company bank statement of the latest 6 months• Names of the applicants crew members• 2 photos must be attached; the photo should be of passport format — a recent whole-face capture with a light background
Spain Visa Types, Requirements, Application & Guidelines
If there were previous trade relations between the two companies, proof of such events must be provided• Bank statement of the last 6 months• Current bank statement of the latest 6 months• Proof of Spanish citizenship ID card or consular card or certification of Spanish nationality or naturalization order• In addition, entry restrictions to Spain are frequently changing based on the COVID-19 situation in other countries
An enrollment certificate allowing attendance of courses• Income Tax Return ITR form or Certificate of Income Tax deducted at the source of salary A copy of your return ticket reservation
with dates and flight numbers specifying entry and exit from Spain• with the address and phone number — if applicable

Spain Visa Types, Requirements, Application & Guidelines

Business bank statement of the latest 6 months• you will be visiting and their detailed address accompanied with the dates of your visit.

Spain Visa Types, Requirements, Application & Guidelines
Spain Visa Types, Requirements, Application & Guidelines
Spain Visa Types, Requirements, Application & Guidelines