مشروب المتة. مشروب المته

Urinary concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites in mate drinkers in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans
Monika Kujawska 14-8-2018 , , Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Folder 2018 Graziela Klein, Aliny Stefanuto, Brunna Boaventura, and others 10-2011 , , Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Issue 5, Folder 30, Page 320-332

مشروب المتة: هل من الآمن شربه؟

Drinking coffee, mate, and very hot beverages.

اهم فوائد مشروب المتة وأضراره
International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2018
فوائد المتة.. لهذه الأسباب يحرص ميسي على تناوله
Elayne Morais, Aliny Stefanuto, Graziela Klein, and others 23-9-2009 , , Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Issue 18, Folder 57, Page 8316-8324
ما هو مشروب المتة
Fogh 6-2001 , , Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Issue 3, Folder 14, Page 243-250
De Mejia 12-2007 , , Journal of food science, Issue 9, Folder 72, Page R138-R151
In: IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans



مكونات شراب المتة السوري
مشروب المته