معركة ذات الصواري. معركة ذات الصواري معركة بحرية انتصر فيها المسلمون

Under him the Muslim navy won a number of naval victories including repulsing a Byzantine counter-attack on in 646 Emperor Constans embarked against it with a large fleet
The chronicles of the Armenian Sebeos and Byzantine Theophanes concur with the latter date Warren Treadgold, A history of the Byzantine State and Society, Stanford University Press 1997, p

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The victory also paved the path for uncontested Muslim expansion along the coastline of North Africa.

معركة ذات الصواري من الفتوحات الإسلامية بقلم عبد الحميد عبد المقصود
According to Theophanes, he managed to make his escape by exchanging uniforms with one of his officers
معركة ذات الصواري
May 2021 Both the Rashidun and Roman fleets endured major casualties
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According to the 9th century chronicler , as the Emperor was preparing for battle, on the previous night he dreamed that he was in ; awaking he related the dream to an interpreter of dreams who said: Emperor, would that you had not slept nor seen that dream for your presence in Thessalonica — according to the interpreter, victory inclined to the Emperor's foes
And although the Caliphate emerged victorious, they retreated to recoup their losses Dating [ ] records two possible dates for this naval battle: 651-2 A
, The Cambridge History of Egypt, Volume One, Islamic Egypt 640—1517, , 1998, 67 Uthman permitted Muawiyah to raid the island of in 649 and the success of that campaign set the stage for the undertaking of naval activities by the Government of

اسباب معركة ذات الصواري

Nonetheless, the victory was a significant event in the naval history of the Mediterranean Sea.

معركة ذات الصواري من الفتوحات الإسلامية بقلم عبد الحميد عبد المقصود
Muslim sources do not mention this event but it corresponds to notices in other Christian histories of the eastern Mediterranean, such as the chronicle of Theophanes
الموسوعة العربية
This conflict would continue over the subsequent decades, with Muslims using their supremacy at Mediterranean to go as far as Sicily and establish strongholds in Western Europe
اجابة السؤال: معركة ذات الصواري معركة بحرية انتصر فيها المسلمون
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