أخبار قوقل. شروط اضافة موقعك الى اخبار قوقل ensightconsulting.com الظهور في أهم الأخبار

We apologize for the inconvenience In this section, you can find information on how to submit a Google News sitemap to help you speed up the discovery of your pages, have more control over the content you submit and access error reports specific to Google News
These error reports will explain any problems we experienced crawling or extracting news articles from your site

أخبار جوجل

For other questions or comments, check out the Google News Help Forum where users share helpful tips and expertise: Thanks for your interest in Google News.

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The inclusion of your articles should be processed within the next few days
قبل المتابعة
If your articles are not included in Google News within the next few days, we encourage you to verify that your site adheres to our technical requirements at
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We apologize for this inconvenience

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أخبار جوجل

شروط اضافة موقعك الى اخبار قوقل ensightconsulting.com الظهور في أهم الأخبار


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