احمد الشمراني. السيرة الذاتية

Alshamrani, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol and Ahmad Alshamrani, International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol
El-Gohary, Ahmad Alshamrani, and Adel Naif Al-Otaibi, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol Alshamrani, Journal of King Saud University — Science, Vol

راشد الشمراني

International Journal of Applied Mathematics.

راشد الشمراني
2012, Special Issue, 16 pages 2012
السيرة الذاتية
El-Gohary and Ahmad Alshamrani, Economic Quality Control, Vol
مدونة خاطرة بيضاء
Alnowibet, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol
Alnowibet, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2015, Article ID 528217, 5 pages, 2015 2012, Special Issue, 11 pages 2012
Karawia, and Ahmad Alshamrani, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol

السيرة الذاتية

Alshamrani, Advances in Operations Research, Vol.

مدونة خاطرة بيضاء
Askar, Ahmad Alshamrani, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 268, 1 October 2014, Pages 135-144 2014
ما لا تعرفه عن راشد الشمراني .. من هو؟ سيرته الذاتية، إنجازاته وأقواله، معلومات عن راشد الشمراني
Alnowibet, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol
مدونة خاطرة بيضاء
2015, Article ID 341729, 10 pages, 2015