تداول الحكير. سامباكابيتال

ASI A company that offers pre-made entertainment and recreation solutions CARLSON REZIDOR HOTELS GROUP Carlson Rezidor Hotels group is one of the biggest and fastest growing international hotel groups
Established in 1999 and already has a variety of successful projects implemented all over the world The group was started in 1975 to invest in the sectors of entertainment and hospitality under the leadership of Sheikh Abdulmohsin Alhokair

السعر والرسم البياني ل‎1820‎

About Alhokair group is a name that has been tied the world of hospitality and entertainment for decades.

تحدد فترة تداول حقوق الأولوية والاكتتاب في الأسهم الجديدة
To many, it has become the first name that comes to mind when tourism in Saudi Arabia or the Arabian world are mentioned
الحكير القابضة
IHG has 4,150 hotels in nearly 100 countries around the world and seven famous hotel brands that continue to meet the daily needs of travelers and guests
اليوم يبدأ تداول سهم الحكير
The number of hotel rooms owned by IHG is larger than any other global hotel chain
The group has more than 1,350 hotels that are operating or under development and 180,000 rooms in 105 countries and territories
ASI seeks to create unique entertainment facilities that are not only competitive, but also fit with the cultural, social and economic values of the market INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP IHG IHG is an international hotel company, which aims to provide great hotels that guests love

اليوم يبدأ تداول سهم الحكير


سعر سهم شركة الحكير القابضة (4240) اليوم في بورصة تداول 24.88 ريال سعودي
السعر والرسم البياني ل‎1820‎
الحكير القابضة