الوعي الاجتماعي. مقياس الوعي الاجتماعي

102-103 [7] Tsvetkov, Artem, Consciousness: Response to the Hard Problem, Indiana Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science, Vol 78 [5] Vaneechoutte, Mario, Experience, Awareness and Consciousness, Suggestions for Definitions as Offered by an Evolutionary Approach, Foundations of Science, Vol
6, Blackwell Publishing, USA, 2004 22 [8] Darity, William A

حول مفهوم الوعى الاجتماعى Social Consciousness ـ د. فرغلى هارون

, International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd ed.

الوعي الاجتماعي في مواجهة الأوبئة
78 [5] Vaneechoutte, Mario, Experience, Awareness and Consciousness, Suggestions for Definitions as Offered by an Evolutionary Approach, Foundations of Science, Vol
النقد والوعي الاجتماعي
, Worldview Transformation and the Development of Social Consciousness, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 17, No
الوعي الفردي: مفهوم وطبيعة وخصائص. كيف الوعي الاجتماعي والفردي مترابطة؟
931 [13] Eagleton, Terry, Why Marx was right, Yale University Press, London, 2011
437 [6] Arp, Robert, Consciousness and Awareness, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 14, No 102-103 [7] Tsvetkov, Artem, Consciousness: Response to the Hard Problem, Indiana Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science, Vol
22 [8] Darity, William A 98 [19] Schlitz, Marilyn Mandala, et al

وعي اجتماعي

247 [12] Cowan, Dave, Legal Consciousness: Some Observations, The Modern Law Review, Vol.

الوعي الاجتماعي انعكاس للواقع
, International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Op
الوعي الفردي: مفهوم وطبيعة وخصائص. كيف الوعي الاجتماعي والفردي مترابطة؟
, Encyclopedia of Consciousness, Academic Press, Elsevier Inc
حول مفهوم الوعى الاجتماعى Social Consciousness ـ د. فرغلى هارون
, and McMillan, John, Consciousness and intentionality, John Benjamins Publishing Co