مانجا tokyo revengers. Tokyo Revengers Manga

Tokyo Manji Revengers Takemichi is a 26-year-old unemployed virgin who learns that the girl he dated in middle school—the only girl he ever dated—has died
Takemichi realized that Mikey was unable to accept loss As he and Mikey lie on the ground, Takemichi begins to reason with Draken, telling him to overcome and accept the events; however, he realizes the absurdity of this, as he has been unable to accept death himself, going to the past in an attempt to change the future Characters in Order of Appearance• He angrily punches Mikey in the face, demanding as to why he let it happen; insists that he is to blame, as he was beside her when the attack occurred

انمي Tokyo Revengers

On top of this, is dead, a fact Draken cannot bear to say aloud.

مجلدات وفصول مانجا Tokyo Revengers مترجمة
Summary Takemichi says he is at fault for Emma's death tells to go outside with him; Mikey is silent when Draken asks what happened
جميع فصول مانجا Tokyo Revengers (منتقمو طوكيو) مترجمة
Then, after an accident, he finds himself in a time leap back to his middle school years
جميع فصول مانجا Tokyo Revengers (منتقمو طوكيو) مترجمة
He realizes that Mikey was unable to accept Emma's death, along with the pain of losing others, which turned him evil
Defeated, Takemichi knows he cannot reverse this fate Draken punches Mikey repeatedly Ignoring him, Draken punches Mikey once more, telling Mikey that he started to protect his loved ones; as Takemichi grabs on to Draken, trying to stop his attack, Draken continues punching Mikey, telling him of his failures to achieve that: and are in jail, is dead
He begs Draken to attack him instead of Mikey

مجلدات وفصول مانجا Tokyo Revengers مترجمة


مجلدات وفصول مانجا Tokyo Revengers مترجمة
مجلدات وفصول مانجا Tokyo Revengers مترجمة
مانجا Tokyo Revengers تقترب من النهاية

Tokyo Revengers, Chapter 50


مجلدات وفصول مانجا Tokyo Revengers مترجمة
Tokyo Revengers
مجلدات وفصول مانجا Tokyo Revengers مترجمة