He puts in aII his labour so that he may reap and gather the crop of the seeds he sowed | |
Sedangkan orang yang, dalam amal perbuatannya, menginginkan kesenangan dunia saja, akan Kami berikan bagian itu saja | for he also has a share in the common provisions being bestowed by Allah, and every person, good or bad, is getting his sustenance here |
Melayu - Basmeih : Sesiapa yang menghendaki dengan amal usahanya mendapat faedah di akhirat Kami akan memberinya mendapat tambahan pada faedah yang dikehendakinya; dan sesiapa yang menghendaki dengan amal usahanya kebaikan di dunia sematamata Kami beri kepadanya dari kebaikan dunia itu sekadar yang Kami tentukan dan ia tidak akan beroleh sesuatu bahagian pun di akhirat kelak• But Allah has not given him the good news of the harvest of this world but that his harvest of the Hereafter will be increased, for he is a seeker of the same, and is concerned about his end there There are several ways in which this harvest can be increased; for example, as he will go on doing righteous deeds with sincere mentions, he will be blessed with the grace to do more and more righteus deeds and his breast will be opened out for more and more good works.
Barangsiapa yang, dengan amal perbuatannya, menginginkan pahala akhirat, Kami akan memberikan pahala itu secara berlipat ganda | This is a very important truth which has been stated here briefly |
To any that desires the tilth of the Hereafter, We give increase in his tilth, and to any that desires the tilth of this world, We grant somewhat thereof, but he has no share or lot in the Hereafter | Let us mderstand it fully, for it helps every man to determine his attitude to life |
Yakni satu kebaikan dilipatgandakan menjadi sepuluh kebaikan atau lebih, ia juga memperoleh bagian dari dunia ini.
English - Sahih International : Whoever desires the harvest of the Hereafter - We increase for him in his harvest And whoever desires the harvest of this world - We give him thereof but there is not for him in the Hereafter any share• 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 谁欲得后世的收获,我就加增谁的收获;谁欲得今世的收获,我就给谁一点今世的收获;他在后世,没有份儿。 Ia tidak masuk surga dan tidak memperoleh kenikmatannya, bahkan berhak masuk neraka dan memperoleh kesengsaraannya | Dan di akhirat kelak, ia tidak akan memperoleh apa-apa |
Yakni Kami berikan kepadanya bagian yang telah ditetapkan untuknya | As to the farmer who is sowing for the Hereafter, Allah has not said that he will get no share from the world |
-- Itulah orang-orang yang tidak memperoleh di akhirat, kecuali neraka dan lenyaplah di akhirat itu apa yang telah mereka usahakan di dunia dan sia-sialah apa yang telah mereka kerjakan.