عبارات مضحكة قصيرة. عبارات صباحية قصيرة

After great effort, he explained that water is water After great effort, he explained that water is water
Cut your coat according to your cloth

حكم وأمثال مضحكة جدا قصيرة

The opportunity does not come to us but we go to it.

ابيات شعر مضحكة عن الحب خواطر حب مضحكة جداً 2017
Being an individual in a group of powerful people is better than being a leader of a group of weak people• If you think you are lying to people, know that you are wrong because you are lying to yourself only• You can not force anyone to love you whatever you love him• Time will soon teach you what you were ignorant of
حالات واتس اب مضحكة قصيرة
كلمات عن الامتحانات مضحكة 2021

عبارات قصيرة وجميلة.. أكثر من 60 عبارة وحكمة


حكم وعبر مضحكة
حالات واتس اب مضحكة قصيرة
حكم وعبر مضحكة