رجيم الكيتو. نظام غذائي كيتوني

Benefits of an all-liquid ketogenic diet The ketogenic diet for the treatment of childhood epilepsy: a randomised controlled trial
de Boer HM, Mula M, Sander JW An introduction to seizures and epilepsy

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Evidence-based versus reported epilepsy management practices.

نظام غذائي كيتوني
Medium-chain triglycerides as a therapy for intractable childhood epilepsy
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Freeman JM, Vining EP, Pillas DJ, Pyzik PL, Casey JC, Kelly LM
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Galen, De victu attenuante, c
Epilepsy and the ketogenic diet Hippocrates, Epidemics, VII, 46; vol
Epilepsy and the ketogenic diet An interview discussing the ketogenic diet that appeared in BrainWaves, Fall 2003, Volume 16, Number 2

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Efficacy, safety, and tolerability of the low glycemic index treatment in pediatric epilepsy.

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Unless otherwise stated, the term fasting in this article refers to going without food while maintaining calorie-free fluid intake
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In: Adam MP, Ardinger HH, Pagon RA, Wallace SE, Bean LJH, Stephens K, Amemiya A, editors
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Henderson CB, Filloux FM, Alder SC, Lyon JL, Caplin DA
2008 Feb 15;23 5 :507—14 In: Stafstrom CE, Rho JM, editors
In: Stafstrom CE, Rho JM, editors The ketogenic diet—the physician's perspective

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A US charity and information resource, set up by.

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Kerndt PR, Naughton JL, Driscoll CE, Loxterkamp DA
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Worldwide use of the ketogenic diet
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Measuring and interpreting ketosis and fatty acid profiles in patients on a high-fat ketogenic diet