الله عودك الجميل فقس على ماقد مضى. غدا السبت اول رمضان 1430

Perhaps the tight road will constrict moreso, And perhaps the universe will expand even more Perhaps an issue which upsets you, Holds at its end what will gladden you
We will know them to be ours with greater certitude than we claim our homes in this world Rejoice at the good which will soon be, You will then forget what has gone by

رضا الله رضانا

Indeed Allah does what He wishes, So never be one who opposes Him.

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العسر مع اليسر
We will feel that they have always been ours
برنامج الإرداس ERDAS imagine 9.2 ... كامل بالكراك + دليل استخدام البرنامج خطوة بخطوة

أسماء الله الحسنى


لماذا قال الله إن مع العسر يسرا وليس بعد العسر يسرا
Flickr: Discussing قال تعالى : فإن مع العسر يسرا * إن مع العسر يسرا in بـــــــــــدوي