تعريف المجال. تعريف الاقتصاد

23 Claval Paul, Espace et pouvoir, PUF, 1978 14 Vocabulaire de la psychologie, PUF, Paris, 1968, p156
; Svinicki, Marilla; and Shi, Yuying: Attempted Validation of the Scores of the VARK: Learning Styles Inventory With Multitrait—Multimethod Confirmatory Factor Analysis Models, pg Does a change in mathematics instructional strategies lead struggling third grade students to increase their performance on standardized tests?

تعريف المجال الحيوي

London: Learning and Skills Research Centre.

تعريف المجال الجغرافي
9 Kant Emmanuel, Critique de la raison pure, Ibidem, p87
تعريف المجال السكاني
University of Maryland at College Park
تعريف الاقتصاد
28 Claval Paul, Ibidem, pp82-96
, Learning and Skills Research Centre• Psychological Science in the Public Interest Title: Impact of Learning-Style Instructional Strategies on Students' Achievement and Attitudes: Perceptions of Educators in Diverse Institutions
An analysis of kinesthetic learners' responses: teaching mathematics through dance

تعريف المجال الحضاري

29 Claval Paul, Ibidem, p86.

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