A universal time trello. Nocturnus

Destroying a meteor has 2% chance in giving an effect that can evolve if equipped This ability does 46 Damage in total, and also bleeds the enemy
Attainability To obtain Nocturnus, the player needs need and a , use the on Nocturnus is an extremely powerful stand


Even though DIO The user of this stand doesn't have timestop movement, this stand can attack while time has been stopped.

If you have obtained the effect then the game will set a message on your screen saying "You have obtained the effect
Nocturnus is both a close-ranged and medium-ranged stand
If you have screen shake on, your screen will shake
This also applies to healing Information A Meteor is a special structure that spawns every 7
The effect does however wear off if you leave the server, and does not stack Despite its mediocre health, its damage makes up for it, which gives it an edge against stands that rely on their high health


The Meteor effect doesn't wear off when changing stands, so you can utilize ,,,and and to fly up to Meteors in space and then change to if you obtained the effect.

They despawn at a random rate, so you could sometimes have the sky filled with them or none at all when waiting for a long time
Appearance Nocturnus has a clock surrounded by bands at torso, red abs with red outlines towards an red neon shape, glowing red eyes and seems to have neon red claws on both gloves, Passives Passive Passive Name Description Passive 1 Cosmic End Nocturnus transcends the natural order being able do cut down any enemy no matter how durable making him do percentage damage