Videos - Tweets that contain a video link, such as or• Note: Twitter searches aren't case sensitive—a capitalized search term Zapier will return both lowercase and capitalized words | All of these words This will show you tweets containing whatever words you include in the search |
It will send email alerts to you and your team with a full digest of any of the terms you want to search for on twitter | Dates This will show you tweets posted around whichever two dates you pick |
If you disagree with any part of the terms then you may not access the Service.
23It could even be the beginning of a whole new opportunity you never imagined existed | By simply entering the name at the search bar, it will automatically scan the profiles of the users and give you a list that matches our search |
It allows you to have a more refined search which provides you a better understanding of current as well as previous trends | Services, people and professions, etc |
With the basics down, let's dive into the first set of fields in Advanced Search: Words.
Filter:videos Filtering by videos will force Followthehashtag to return only Tweets with an embed video | This is an excellent tool to seek out out what your audience is trying to find and what your competitors are up to |
Meanwhile, if you are a new to Twitter, you must also be familiarized with its features including using the twitter search tool | They prefer using this since it provides great outputs when you are searching for a certain topic or finding an account |
Photos - Tweets that contain a photo• You must notify us immediately upon becoming aware of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account.