اكتشف النفط في المملكة بكميات كبيرة عام. وقود السيارات

Chapter 173: An Act to provide Internal Revenue to support the Government, to pay Interest on the Public Debt, and for other Purposes, 1864, p Chrysler Collector 154 : 16—20
Army Air Forces Historical Studies: No Lauwers, Bert 1 June 2011

وقود السيارات

Matthew Van Winkle, Aviation Gasoline Manufacture, McGraw-Hill, 1944, p.

وقود السيارات
Matthew Van Winkle, Aviation Gasoline Manufacture, McGraw-Hill, 1944, pp
وقود السيارات
65, Aviation Gasoline Production and Control, Air Historical Office Headquarters, Army Air Forces, September, 1947, p
منطقة القصيم
"Detection of the gasoline components methyl tert-butyl ether, benzene, toluene, and m-xylene using ion mobility spectrometers with a radioactive and UV ionization source"
45,568 issued: 20 December 1864 "Adapting Engines to the Use of Available Fuels"
Baumbach, JI; Sielemann, S; Xie, Z; Schmidt, H 15 March 2003 MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research

وقود السيارات

", The National Archives, accessed 5 August 2012• au, Published 24 November 2005.

وقود السيارات
" … ; And provided, also, That naphtha of specific gravity exceeding eighty degrees, according to Baume's hydrometer, and of the kind usually known as gasoline, shall be subject to a tax of five per centum ad valorem
أرامكو للعربية: بدأنا تجربة مركبات الهيدروجين منذ عامين تمهيدا لاعتمادها
Matthew Van Winkle, Aviation Gasoline Manufacture, McGraw-Hill, 1944, p
منطقة القصيم
Matthew Van Winkle, Aviation Gasoline Manufacture, McGraw-Hill, 1944, pp
Matthew Van Winkle, Aviation Gasoline Manufacture, McGraw-Hill, 1944, p "Ethyl-leaded Gasoline: How a Classic Occupational Disease Became an International Public Health Disaster"
"The economics of HIGH-OCTANE GASOLINES"

وزارة الطاقة

2 of the text: "One of the products obtained from the distillation of petroleum is a colorless liquid having an ethereal odor and being the lightest in specific gravity of all known liquids.

منطقة القصيم
This material is known now in commerce by the term "gasoline
منطقة القصيم
E Reese and R D Kimbrough December 1993
منطقة القصيم
uk, accessed 5 August 2012• 59 84,400 70,300 129 14