فيلم faces of death. فيلم Faces of Death IV مترجم

The back promises some nasty scenes of bullfighters being killed, car bombings, etc
I found that in my teens, this series was amateurish and only slightly interesting, but in my mid thirties it is much harder to watch and brings up morality questions that I didn't have when I a kid It is not new footage

Faces of Death 1978 مترجم كامل hdعربىالإصدار للبث الكاملعبر الانترنت

The local warden goes in his boat to get the alligator back into the sea when he accidentally falls over and becomes gator bait.

Faces of Death 1978 مترجم كامل hdعربىالإصدار للبث الكاملعبر الانترنت
Most of the scenes are almost completely white and unwatchable
Faces of Death IV (1990)
After playing this action back in slow motion I disagreed
Faces of Death VI (Video 1996)
There is a segment that deals with an alligator that accidentally entered 'residential' waters
I do eat meat, and that includes pork, but some of the comments seem as if they're made simply to enhance entertainment value of real pigs having the blood drained from their throats As stated on various sites, this version is extremely washed out
See that one, for sure, no matter what you've heard, for it may surprise you During the first viewing however, I can remember distinguishing between the "real" and "fake" clips and thinking that the blood in "Dawn of the Dead" was far more realistic

Faces of Death VI (Video 1996)

It wasn't nearly as shocking or effective as I'd hoped, but I suppose that that's a good thing in some scenes puppy that's really a plush doll getting disemboweled, anyone? After pondering this possibility I realized that no matter how cautious I am, if it's my time to die, it doesn't matter if I'm walking down the sidewalk or jumping out of a plane.

Faces of Death 1978 مترجم كامل hdعربىالإصدار للبث الكاملعبر الانترنت
The first version is part of the German version of the series
حُظر في 46 دولة! تعرّف على أكثر الأفلام رعباً، غرابة وإثارة للاشمئزاز!
I first saw FOD 1 when I was about 12yrs old in the extreme early 80's
Faces of Death 1978 مترجم كامل hdعربىالإصدار للبث الكاملعبر الانترنت
I don't go for the right or left wings, but that also means that some of the snotty dialogue in this grates on me a bit at times
I wondered what thoughts went through this man's mind as he fell from the sky at 80 miles per hour I just don't understand what the big deal is when all those series out there that rip off these mostly fake "Faces of Death" movies are usually more real and disturbing than almost any of the things shown here
There are two alternative titles for it as well, Faces Of Death Volume 6, and The Shocking Faces Of Death, but the footage is the same Even if I'm not a vegetarian, I do believe that more respect should be had for an animal instead of just regarding it as something that landed on your plate, as well as a realization that that animal died to help you survive

Faces of Death 1978 مترجم كامل hdعربىالإصدار للبث الكاملعبر الانترنت


Faces of Death (1978)
None of these were in it
Faces of Death مترجم فيلم كامل عبر الإنترنت English 1978
There are executions by decapitation in an unknown Arab country and the electric chair
Faces of Death (1978)