متحف الملك عبدالعزيز. قصور الملك عبدالعزيز في السعودية.. أمجاد وتاريخ لا ينسى من إنجازات المملكة

It is one of the most beautiful palaces and is characterized by unique and varied designs and the King Abdul Aziz Mosque or the Mada Mosque, which was built with mud bricks at the beginning in addition to stones on It was a cylindrical format that was later restored and added many services to it [5] and the library that spreads knowledge and knowledge for everyone, old and young The pre-Islamic era hall is the third in terms of arrangement, and in this hall, you can watch and follow the trade between the big cities in the pre-Islamic period and get acquainted with the pattern of life in this period, the customs and traditions, the development of the Arabic calligraphy and the beliefs prevailing at that time
It displays the history of the earth and information about the animals that lived in the Arabian Peninsula in a pre-era The second hall is the Arab kingdoms, and it includes the period of the dawn of history to the period of formation of the Arab kingdoms, before the emergence of Islam, and you can see in this hall a large number of ancient monuments as a large model of the Taima Wall, which was built with its natural stones that were transferred from the wall itself, in addition to the screens that display sites and writings Ancient Tamudian and also a collection of exquisitely decorated pottery and jewelry

افضل 7 من متاحف جدة الموصى بزيارتها

The National Museum is considered one of the most famous Saudi museums, as it is a destination for tourists of different ages and nationalities, because of its important monuments and halls, including the hall devoted to the history of the universe, which is the first hall in the museum and is concerned with the human being and the universe.

In the remaining halls, you find the history of the formation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as some relics, rare texts and restored houses, in addition to displaying the rituals of Hajj and the ancient way
مركز الملك عبد العزيز التاريخي
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The King Abdulaziz Historical Center contains picturesque places of green gardens, a stream, and sites that take breath away from their originality, such as the Saudi National Museum, which is full of history, the King Abdul Aziz Administration and what it contains from the King Abdul Aziz Memorial Hall and the Museum of his cars in addition to the famous Murabba Palace that King Abdul ordered to build It contains in addition to books and references on rare manuscripts and books, an audiovisual hall, and a hall dedicated to lectures and cultural seminars

53 متحفاً حكومياً و210 متاحف خاصة تعرض آثار المملكة وإرثها الحضاري والعلمي


المتحف الوطني السعودي
The Hall of Islam and the Arabian Peninsula is the fifth among the halls
تعبير عن متحف الملك عبد العزيز بالانجليزي
Al-Aziz in the year 1355 AH to be the seat of his family, and his period was an important period in the history of the Kingdom
افضل 7 من متاحف جدة الموصى بزيارتها
History as this mastodon animal, in addition to displaying ancient rock carvings and monuments in the Najran region, as well as a reconstruction of the Tuwaiq mountain range