عنصر الكربون. الكربون:‏ عنصر عجيب

"The prebiological paleoatmosphere: stability and composition" Gemmologie, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft
Dienwiebel, Martin; Verhoeven, Gertjan; Pradeep, Namboodiri; Frenken, Joost; Heimberg, Jennifer; Zandbergen, Henny 2004 The Book Of Diamonds: Their Curious Lore, Properties, Tests And Synthetic Manufacture


Journal of Applied Physics 87, S.

خصائص الكربون
Falkowski, P; Scholes, RJ; Boyle, E; Canadell, J; Canfield, D; Elser, J; Gruber, N; Hibbard, K; et al
اكتشاف الكربون
"A novel hybrid carbon material"
نبذة تعريفية عن عنصر الكربون واستخداماته المتعددة
University of Illinois at Urbana—Champaign
"Carbon Trioxide: Its Production, Infrared Spectrum, and Structure Studied in a Matrix of Solid CO 2" Chicago University Press and references therein
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres The Internet Encyclopedia of Science

خصائص الكربون

"The impact resistance of composite materials — a review".

ما هي مميزات عنصر الكربون
"Natural Abundance Variations in Stable Isotopes and their Potential Uses in Animal Physiological Ecology"
اكتشاف الكربون
Dust in the Galactic Environment
النشاط التكتوني ينظم دورة الكربون
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists