Waxaan jeclaysannay inaan isku darno laba saxan: feetatimir iyo feetamuus | Serve with thick cream, caramelized bananas, nuts, fresh dates, and honey |
Ku qaddin, qishto, muus karameel leh, laws, timir, iyo malab | Those are mashed together and it is then served with a steak bisteeki on top |
Waxaa af-Somaali u tarjumay: Abdifataah Faynuus Diyaarinta:• Muuska iyo timirta isku shiid.
5In the Somali version, the ingredients are: bananas muus , muufo Soomaali or garmash , broth maraq , untoasted sesame oil saliid macsaro | |
Gacanka Carbeed feetatimir waxaa looga yaqaan areeka | There are different ways of preparing this dish, each region having its unique way |