جزر فرسان. معلومات عن جزيرة فرسان

7 28 82 30 86 32 90 34 93 34 A Latin inscription dating from 144 AD has been found on the island which attests to the construction of a garrison
In the long dry period high temperatures are usually dominant At the time, the Farasan Islands supported a small industry

جزيرة فرسان : شواطئ استثنائية ومزارات تاريخية مذهلة تكشف هوية جزر فرسان : شنطة سفر

The largest island of the archipelago is ; others include and.

أين تقع جزر فرسان
Economy [ ] After a French engineer investigated on the islands in 1912, a 75-year concession was granted to the Red Sea oilfields
جزر فرسان.. تجربة بحرية ساحرة لعشاق الحياة البحرية والمغامرة بالسعودية
Tourism and fishing also play a role in the economy
محمية جزر فرسان
Retrieved on April 14, 2017• External links [ ] Wikimedia Commons has media related to
Retrieved on April 14, 2017• If this is correct, it would make the Farasan Islands the farthest Roman outpost, being nearly 4000 km from Rome itself Oceanic animals include , , and several species of including endangered and critically endangered and turtles, , and several species of and whales with occasional visits by others such as
The government provides free ferry rides twice a day to Farasan Islands from Jizan Port It is believed that the islands may have been attached to the province of , before being transferred to some time before 144 AD

محمية جزر فرسان .. احدى المحميات الطبيعية

It is home to the , and, in winter, from Europe.

بماذا تشتهر جزر فرسان
جزيرة فرسان … أفضل الأماكن السياحية في مالديف السعودية
1 34 93 33 91 30
محمية جزر فرسان .. احدى المحميات الطبيعية
New inscriptions from Saudi Arabia and the extent of Roman rule along the Red Sea