מרחבים כיתתיים בית ספר אלון. כתבות

We played active games outdoor with the help of children from beit shahaf
We also colored our unique ABC letters which will be displayd in Ait, Tinshemet and Shrakrak We started with the puppet show " Little Red Riding Hood"


We also colored our unique ABC letters which will be displayd in Ait, Tinshemet and Shrakrak.

חינוך על יסודי
The older classes enjoyed presentations by the students
הודעות לקהילה
We played active games outdoor with the help of children from beit shahaf
הקרן לעידוד יוזמות חינוכיות
We started with the puppet show " Little Red Riding Hood"
The older classes enjoyed presentations by the students



בית ספר יסודי גילה
הקרן לעידוד יוזמות חינוכיות
דבר המנהלת