In most cases it is as simple as merely swapping the encoder name | If you want to host an open source project, please let us know, either on mailing list or irc |
is a Bulgarian IPTV platform and services provider which uses FFmpeg heavily since it started operating a year ago | A big thank-you to Andreas Cadhalpun and all the people that made it possible |
The OpenSSL software library was updated on 7th of April, shortly after the vulnerability was publicly disclosed.
not streamcopying , -ss is now accurate even when used as an input option | May 1, 2014, LinuxTag Once again FFmpeg will be represented at LinuxTag in Berlin, Germany |
We recommend users, distributors and system integrators to upgrade unless they use current git master | Special care was taken to make sure that the decoder plays correctly all files found in the wild and that the encoder produces files that can be played in browsers that support APNG |
September 9th, 2015, FFmpeg 2 | November 6th, 2018, FFmpeg 4 |
During his work he was tasked to fix any encountered bug in the decoder due to the fact that it doesn't match APNG specifications | 0 "Wu" , a new major release, is now available! The mentor plans on cleaning it up and committing it, at least for the ATSC side of things |