خيرك سابق. Egyptian Arabic greetings and polite expressions (التحيات والمجاملات)

[You are] precious, and the request is cheap This is more of a written expression than a spoken one
Condolences The following expressions can be used by both Muslims and Christians in Egypt if God wills This is used a lot, anytime you talk about something taking place in the future

الرد على كثر الله خيرك

" "Can you finish the report by Thursday? And your hand Used to thank a cook for a great meal, or more generally to thank someone for a present.

الرد على كثر الله خيرك
" This is used much like the English "Thank you, you're too kind
نموذج طلب العودة إلى العمل بعد الاستقالة
used more by the rural and lower classes , but you can still use them to add some color to your speech
خيرك سابق برنامج جديد لزينب المالكي على 'قرطاج+'
" This is more standard than colloquial
Can be used when someone congratulates you on any happy occassion a wedding, new baby, promotion, etc Do make sure to memorize the proper responses to each expression; it can be quite awkward if someone tells you something nice and you don't know what to say back! with a new haircut, or if s
" This is from the Qur'an verse 156 of Al-Baqara So if you keep that in mind, it helps in remembering the right response

خيرك سابق برنامج جديد لزينب المالكي على 'قرطاج+'

" As it was first said by the prophet Muhammad, this expression is used by Muslims.

Egyptian Arabic greetings and polite expressions (التحيات والمجاملات)
In some cases, I gave a standard variant and then detailed the colloquial usage below
بعد تهديدها.. نورهان تشكر نقابة المهن التمثيلية بعد أزمتها مع منتج مسلسلها الجديد
In Egypt, however, the commonly used expression for "How are you? They're a little "baladi" i
خيرك سابق برنامج جديد لزينب المالكي على 'قرطاج+'
On that basis, it could be viewed as sacriligeous; some would say that everyone only lives their alloted lifespan, and God doesn't cut anyone's life shorter than it's meant to be