هسبريس. Hespress

The website initially relied on for advertising revenue, but later shifted its focus to selling advertisement space directly to Moroccan agencies from the original on 11 December 2020
from the original on 7 May 2015 The company became profitable in 2011

هسبريس : Hespress : Morocco

Forbes Middle East in Arabic.

هسبريس : Hespress : Morocco
In January 2015, Hespress became the third most visited website in Morocco after Google and Facebook, surpassing YouTube
هسبريس : Hespress : Morocco
It structured as a company and started recruiting professional journalists in 2009, with editorial staff located in
In 2015, the website started to publish sponsored
At the beginning, the two remained anonymous; Hassan initially wrote under the Taha Hamdouchi In 2008, Hespress gained popularity when it hosted videos from Mounir Agueznay, a young activist who exposed corruption within police and security officers
from the original on 11 December 2020 According to Hassan, the name "Hespress" derives from the mythical Land of the , sometimes said to be located in modern Morocco, and the English word "


from the original on 2 April 2017.

The arrest of regular contributor Mohamed Erraji for a column critical of the Moroccan monarchy, which was reported on , also contributed to an increase in visits to the website
هسبريس : Hespress : Morocco
However, the magazine proved unprofitable, with the investment costing 20 million
As of 2015, the website has 37 staff members, with three dedicated to managing its page
The magazine focused on long-form content and reporting not suited for the web, with a new editorial team independent of that of the website
Rudi, Souad 9 June 2009 Reception [ ] In 2012, Middle East ranked Hespress third on its list of the most powerful news websites in the Arab world


Hespress Magazine, a weekly print magazine, was announced in November 2012, with the first issue published in January 2013.

هسبريس : Hespress : Morocco
According to Guennouni, the company generated a turnover of up to 150,000 a month in 2012
هسبريس : Hespress : Morocco
from the original on 5 March 2016
هسبريس : Hespress : Morocco
Business model [ ] Hespress derives its revenues from