من غسل واغتسل. معنى حديث من غسل يوم الجمعة واغتسل..

signifying A washing]: S, Msb: or a subst
assumed tropical: May God cleanse thee from thy sin See also the next paragraph

معنى حديث من غسل واغتسل وبكر وابتكر

Narrated Aws ibn Aws ath-Thaqafi: I heard the apostle of Allah ﷺ say: If anyone makes his wife wash and he washes himself on Friday, goes out early for Friday prayer , attends the sermon from the beginning, walking, not riding, takes his seat near the imam, listens attentively, and does not indulge in idle talk, he will get the reward of a year's fasting and praying at night for every step he takes.

معنى حديث من غسل يوم الجمعة واغتسل..
vessel] in which so in the M, in the K with which, a thing is washed
أرشيف الإسلام
and the former is the subst
شرح وترجمة حديث: من اغتسل يوم الجمعة غسل الجنابة، ثم راح في الساعة الأولى فكأنما قرب بدنة، ومن راح في الساعة الثانية فكأنما قرب بقرة
meaning A tank, or the like, of copper]
[Hence the latter often signifies The infusion of the thing; i ,] assumed tropical: He covered much, or often; syn
It is said in a trad ] b2: Also, the latter, What is extracted from the thing by washing

درجة حديث: «من غسل واغتسل وبكر وابتكر»

and 98 , a species of glasswort].

شرح حديث من غسل واغتسل
, and the former is the subst
أعظم حديث في فضائل الأعمال
relating to [forms of] prayer, means assumed tropical: and cleanse Thou me from sins
Qaala Rasul Allah (saw)
to the Prophet, who said that he saw them washing him