من اسباب الفلاح ذكر الله والصلاه الدليل على هذا في سورة. [1] من قوله تعالى: {قَدْ أَفْلَحَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ} الآية 1 إلى قوله تعالى: {فَأُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الْعَادُونَ} الآية 7

English - Sahih International : And when the prayer has been concluded disperse within the land and seek from the bounty of Allah and remember Allah often that you may succeed• The Prayer can be held only in the mosque, which is inside the settlement or adjoining it, and the building of which is not inferior to the houses of the common residents of the place The Friday Prayer cannot be held in every settlement but only in the misr Jami which has been defined as a large town or city, where there arc market places, adequate security arrangements, and which has large enough population so that if alI the people upon whom attendance at the Friday Prayer is obligatory, gather together, they should be too many for the principal mosque to hold
Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Apabila telah ditunaikan shalat maka bertebaranlah kamu di muka bumi; dan carilah karunia Allah dan ingatlah Allah banyakbanyak supaya kamu beruntung• Furthermore, it is reprehensible that a prayer be made in the Sermon for the temporal ruler, unless the Imam apprehends danger to his life The person who is sitting so close to the Imam that he can hear him, is forbidden speech; however, the one sitting far away, who cannot hear the Sermon, can speak

فإذا قضيت الصلاة فانتشروا في الأرض وابتغوا من فضل الله واذكروا الله كثيرا لعلكم تفلحون

The Prayer may not necessarily be held in the mosque; it may also be held in the open field and also on a ground which is outside the city but a part of it.

من الآية 9 الى الآية 11
A person would be exempt from it if he is on a journey, or intends to stay for Less than four days at a place during the journey, or is so ill that he cannot come to the mosque, or has an ailing mother or father, or wife, or child, or he is nursing a stranger who has nobody else to nurs him, or has a close relative who is seriously ill, or at the point of death, or apprehends an unbearable loss to property, or a danE to his life or honor, or is hiding from fear of imprisonment, or punishment, provided that he is a wronged and oppressed person, or it is raining heavily and there is slush and rainwater on the way, or the weather is oppressive due to excessive heat or cold
من الآية 9 الى الآية 11
For the Prayer to be valid there should at least be three men according to Imam Abu Hanifah beside the Imam, or two men including the Imam according to Imams Abu Yusuf and Mohammed , upon whom it is obligatory to attend the Friday Prayer
من الآية 9 الى الآية 11
" Here also the verb is in the imperative mood, but obviously it implies exercise of one's choice and not that it is a duty or compulsion
However, if a person has made a bargain at that time, it will not be void, but will only be a sin For the person who is sitting close to the Imam so that he can hear the sermon, speech is disapproved, but he can respond to a greeting, and can recite prayer on the Holy Prophet upon whom be Allah's peace aloud when he hears his name being mentioned
Attendance at the Prayer will be obligatory for the people who live within three miles of the settlement Attendance at the Prayer is obligatory for the people who live within- three miles of the settlement where the Prayer is held

فإذا قضيت الصلاة فانتشروا في الأرض وابتغوا من فضل الله واذكروا الله كثيرا لعلكم تفلحون

According to the Hanbalis, the Friday Prayer time begins when the sun has risen about a spear's length high and lasts till the beginning of the 'Asr Prayer time in the afternoon, but performing the Prayer before the declining of the sun is just permissible but after it obligatory and meritorious.

في بيان أسباب الفلاح
For this purpose, it will not make any difference if the houses of the settlement or its different parts are scattered or compact; if their combination is called by ane name, it will be one settlement even if its different parts are miles apart
من الآية 9 الى الآية 11
Business transactions become forbidden and hastening to the Prayer becomes obligatory with the second call, A transaction contracted after it has no effect in the law
مكانة الجمعة في الإسلام
in Surah An-Nisa', permission to marry more than one wife has been given, saying: "Marry two or three or four women whom you 'choose
who can take him along for the Prayer, or apprehends danger to lift or property or honour, or is a prisoner provided that this imprisonment has not been caused by his own crime According to the Malikis, 'the Friday Prayer time begins from the declining of the sun and lasts till such time in the evening that the Sermon and the Prayer can be concluded before sunset
As it was ordered to stop aII worldly business as soon as the call was made for the Prayer, so it is allowed that after the Prayer is over, the people may dispose and resume or pursue whatever occupation or business they may like Pada hari Jumat, Nabi saw

سورة الأعلى

Business and trade become forbidden with the first call to the Prayer and not with the second call which is made after the Imam has taken his place on the pulpit, for the words of the Qur'an in this regard are explicit and definite.

[1] من قوله تعالى: {قَدْ أَفْلَحَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ} الآية 1 إلى قوله تعالى: {فَأُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الْعَادُونَ} الآية 7
Although it is according to the Sunnah to sit quiet during the sermon, yet speech is not forbidden
مكانة الجمعة في الإسلام
A person would be exempt from it if he is on a journey, or intends to stay for Less than four days at a place during the journey, or is so ill that he cannot come to the mosque, or has an ailing mother or father, or wife, or child, or he is nursing a stranger who has nobody else to nurs him, or has a close relative who is seriously ill, or at the point of death, or apprehends an unbearable loss to property, or a danE to his life or honor, or is hiding from fear of imprisonment, or punishment, provided that he is a wronged and oppressed person, or it is raining heavily and there is slush and rainwater on the way, or the weather is oppressive due to excessive heat or cold
سورة الأعلى
4hkam al-Qur an; Al-Fiqh alal-Madhahib al-'Arb ah