لبان مستكة. لبان

Ahmed Madisch, Stephan Miehlke, Otto Eichele And Others 1-12-2007 , , International Journal of Colorectal Disease, Issue 12, Folder 22, Page 1445—1451 Christian Lampl, Bernhard Haider, Christine Schweiger 5-7-2012 , , Cephalalgia , Issue 9, Folder 32, Page 719-722
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Raveendhara Bannuru, Mikala Osani, FatimahAl-Eid And Others 12-2018 , , Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, Issue 3, Folder 48, Page 416-429.

المستكة واللبان الذكر
K Dabos, E Sfika, L Vlatta and others 2010 , , Phytomedicine, Issue 3-4, Folder 17, Page 296-299
Fatima Aouinti, Hanane Zidane, Mustapha Tahri and others 2014 , , Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, Issue 1, Folder 5, Page 199-206
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المستكة واللبان الذكر

Konstantinos Dabosa, Ekaterini Sfikaa, Lisa Vlatta and others 3-10-2010 , , Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Issue 2, Folder 127, Page 205-209.

فوائد لبان الذكر وأضراره
H Gerhardt, F Seifert, P Buvari And Others 1-2001 , , Z Gastroenterol, Issue 1, Folder 39, Page 11-17
Zhimin Liu, Xiaoyun Liu, Zhehui Liu And Others 1-1-2015 , , International journal of clinical and experimental pathology, Issue 1, Folder 8, Page 236-243
فوائد لبان الذكر وأضراره

فوائد لبان الذكر وأضراره


فوائد المستكة
فوائد لبان الذكر وأضراره