صورة العصر. في رحاب سورة العصر

You can search in the following ways:• English Search the English translation either with exact wording or otherwise The image of a declining day suggests the stage in the day, or in life, when only a short while is left for those wishing to make up for lost time
Transliteration Search the transliteration of the original text with exact wording or otherwise

سورة العصر مكتوبة كاملة بالتشكيل

for example: Innal lazeena aamanoo• The surah is also known as: Afternoon, The Decline of Time, The Declining Day, The Epoch, The Late Afternoon, Time and Age, Time through the Ages.

القرآن الكريم/سورة النصر
The surah shows the way to salvation
سورة العصر .. أسباب نزولها وتفسيرها المبسط والشارح
Urdu Search the Urdu translation either with exact wording or otherwise
تفسير سورة العصر
Arabic Search the original text either by a single or more than one word

سبب نزول سورة العصر


إعراب سورة العصر
[103] Al
سورة العصر