Motor Graders: Used mostly for find grading and moving dirt, are known for their long blade | Bulldozers: Known for its hydraulic powered front blade, mainly used for rough or fine grading |
What all these construction sites would need is a good set of heavy trucks and machinery | They have facilitated the building process, and made it less time consuming and labour intensive |
Skid-Steer Loaders: some of the smallest and versatile heavy equipment, are recommended when working in tighter spaces | Older than 1970 X Trucks and Heavy Machinery Building a new project, a school, mall, hospital, park, or even an apartment building? Heavy Machinery on OpenSooq: The following would be a list of heavy machinery and what are they used for:• Equipment Trailers: Believe it or not, these transport heavy equipment and machinery |
Crawler Loader: It is somewhere in between the backhoe and bucket loaders, used for excavation, usually needed in small projects | Beverage Trailer: used to transport beverages from supplier to wholesalers and retailers |