مرهم البواسير. ما هو أفضل مرهم لعلاج البواسير الخارجية ؟

Cochrane database of systematic reviews Online 4 : CD005393 International journal of surgery London, England
"Continence disorders after anal surgery—a relevant problem? "[Functional constipation: prospective study and treatment response]" Cochrane database of systematic reviews Online 3 : CD005034

ما هو أفضل مرهم لعلاج البواسير الخارجية ؟

Jost W, Schimrigk K 1993.

اعراض و انواع امراض القولون و علاجها
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شق شرجي
"Postoperative complications after procedure for prolapsed hemorrhoids PPH and stapled transanal rectal resection STARR procedures"
اعراض و انواع امراض القولون و علاجها
Alonso-Coello P, Zhou Q, Martinez-Zapata MJ; et al
Christian Lynge, Dana; Weiss, Barry D "Practice parameters for the management of hemorrhoids revised 2010 "
Ratnasingham, K; Uzzaman, M; Andreani, SM; Light, D; Patel, B 2010 "New Therapy Coming for Anal Fissures"

ما هو أفضل مرهم لعلاج البواسير الخارجية ؟

"Rubber band ligation versus excisional haemorrhoidectomy for haemorrhoids".

اعراض و انواع امراض القولون و علاجها
Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Lawrence; editors, Richard Bell, Merril T
"Hemorrhoids: diagnosis and current management"
"Topical diltiazem and bethanechol decrease anal sphincter pressure and heal anal fissures without side effects" Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery
"Anal stenosis and mucosal ectropion"


"Hemorrhoids: diagnosis and current management".

اعراض و انواع امراض القولون و علاجها
Azimuddin, edited by Indru Khubchandani, Nina Paonessa, Khawaja 2009
اعراض و انواع امراض القولون و علاجها
Journal of the American College of Surgeons
اعراض و انواع امراض القولون و علاجها
Carapeti E, Kamm M, Phillips R 2000