The meaning is: "Give up your rivalries with one another for amassing wealth, and pleasures and benefits, of the world and instead make the forgiveness of your Lord and Paradise the object of your struggle and rivalries | Somali - Abduh : Una deg daga Dambi dhaafka Eebihiin iyo Janno Ballaadhkeedu yahay Samaawaadka iyo Dhulka oo loo darbay kuwa dhawrsada• 133 When both these verses are read together, one gets the idea that the; gardens and palaces man will receive in Paradise will only serve as his dwelling-place t but the entire universe will be his home He will not be restricted to one place as be is in this world, where just for reaching the Moon, his nearest neighbour in space, he has had to struggle hard for years and expend excessive resources only to overcome the difficulties of a short journeny |
Allah menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat kebajikan | Dan Allah mempunyai karunia yang besar |
Apabila ada yang menyakitinya, maka normalnya manusia, dalam hatinya akan dongkol, dan akan membalas dengan kata-kata maupun perbuatan.
28In Arabic the word ard is not only used for breadth, as a counterpart of length, but also for spaciousness, as it has been used in Ha Mim As-Sajdah: 51: fa-dhu du'a in 'arid: "Then he is full of wordy supplications | Memaafkan orang lain ini lebih utama dari menahan amarah karena memaafkan orang lain berarti tidak balas dendam terhadap orang yang telah menyakiti dan bermurah hati kepadanya |
AI-'Imran it has been said: "Hasten to follow the path that leads to your Lord's forgiveness and to Paradise whose vastness is that of the universe, which has been prepared for the righteous "' v | Swahili - Al-Barwani : Kimbilieni msamaha wa Mola wenu Mlezi na Pepo ambayo upana wake ni kama upana wa mbingu na ardhi iliyo wekewa walio muamini Mwenyezi Mungu na Mitume wake Hiyo ndiyo fadhila ya Mwenyezi Mungu humpa amtakaye Na Mwenyezi Mungu ni Mwenye fadhila kuu• English - Sahih International : And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth prepared for the righteous• Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Berlombalombalah kamu kepada mendapatkan ampunan dari Tuhanmu dan surga yang luasnya seluas langit dan bumi yang disediakan bagi orangorang yang beriman kepada Allah dan RasulrasulNya Itulah karunia Allah diberikanNya kepada siapa yang dikehendakiNya Dan Allah mempunyai karunia yang besar• Allah is the Lord of abounding bounty |
That is Allah's bounty which He bestows upon those whom He pleases.