من اهم مؤلفات ابن النفيس. من أهم مؤلفات ابن النفيس

, Encyclopedia of Islamic World Doktorwurde, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1924
Iskandar, "Ibn al-Nafis", in Helaine Selin 1997 , Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Albert Zaki Iskandar 1982 , "Comprehensive Book on the Art of Medicine", Symposium on Ibn al Nafis, Second International Conference on Islamic Medicine: Islamic Medical Organization, Kuwait cf

ما اهم مؤلفات ابن النفيس التي بقيت لنا


من أهم مؤلفات ابن النفيس التي بقيت لنا كتاب( الموجز في الطب)
Stephen Mason 2003 , "Religious Reform and the Pulmonary Transit of the Blood", History of Science 41, p
معلومات عن ابن النفيس
Tarikh llm Tashrih 1967 by Hakim Syed Zillur Rahman, Tibbi Academy, Delhi; Second revised edition 2009 ISBN 978-81-906070- , Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine and Sciences, Aligarh• "Ibn al-Nafis 1210—1288 : the first description of the pulmonary circulation
اجابة السؤال: من اهم مؤلفات ابن النفيس
Savage Smith, Medieval Islamic medicine Georgetown University, Washington DC, 2007, p
, 1935, Isis, No 65, vol Savage Smith, Meideval Islamic medicine Georgetown University, Washington DC, 2007, p
O'Malley 1957 , "A Latin translation of Ibn Nafis 1547 related to the problem of the circulation of the blood", Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 12 2 , pp Albert Zaki Iskandar 1982 , "Comprehensive Book on the Art of Medicine", Symposium on Ibn al Nafis, Second International Conference on Islamic Medicine: Islamic Medical Organization, Kuwait cf

ابن النفيس

, Weimar, 1898-1902, I, 493• Tatawi, M, Der Lungenkreislauf nach el Koraschi, Dissert.

ماذا اكتشف ابن النفيس
Loukas M, Lam R, Tubbs RS, Shoja MM, Apaydin N Ibn al-Nafis 1210—1288 was an Arab physician who contributed much to the advancement of medical knowledge and science in the 13th century
من أهم مؤلفات ابن النفيس
See also "Ibn Al-Nafis and the pulmonary circulation", The Lancet 1: 1148
ابن النفيس
Meyerhof, Max 1993 , "Ibn al-Nafis", in van Donzel, E