عبارات عن الأخت. 21 من أجمل العبارات عن الأخت

Tell me, sister, what is in your heart, and I will do my best to remove your pain Sometimes I become jealous, because you have everything of her
People say find a friend who can keep your secrets well Cars, money, clothes, houses is not everything you need in life

عبارات عن الأخت تعبر عن مكنون قلبك

And then I realize how much blessed I am.

عبارات جميلة عن الأخت
Dear sister, bless you for always being there for me no matter how much I know I annoy you
عبارات جميلة عن الأخت
I love you a lot
كلام عن بنت الاخت 2021 ، عبارات جميلة عن بنت اختي
Despite that you are little, you mean a lot to me
Because I already have someone whom I can trust with all my life You are the one I owe my childhood to, my sister, you made it very memorable for me
I get up every day with a thought that I am thankful to God who has given me such a pretty sister I adore you and wish you health and peace of mind

عبارات عن ابن الاخت قصيرة 2021

I can see her all the time.

عبارات وكلام جميل عن الأخت
When you were born, I was so excited that heaven gave me such a great gift
21 من أجمل العبارات عن الأخت
I want these moments last forever for you are my precious one
عبارات عن الاخ والاخت أكثر من 100 عبارة من أجمل ما كتب عن الأسرة
Whenever I look at you, I see our mother