يبيع احد المحلات التجاريه عبوات مغلفه من التمر. معمل للتمر والعجوة بالحشرات..و«الاستهلاكية» تغش بمعجون البندورة

Before the request, I found a quick response from them, a wide chest, and a fine deal in answering my inquiries In the beginning, I would like to thank Mr
Wonderful, this date is by its nature and generous with the noble guidance of the Prophet, distinguished by its cultivated, nurtured and marketed by good farms, wonderful brothers, everything has excellent shipping speed, which indicates administrative work, high professional follow-up, and very fine packaging Singh, Dueep Jyot; Davidson, John 2016

معمل للتمر والعجوة بالحشرات..و«الاستهلاكية» تغش بمعجون البندورة

They also call after receiving the request to answer any inquiries.

تعليقات العملاء
Please pay attention to the rest of the varieties of dates in terms of packaging and marketing and give a brief about them and their benefits and advantages
صلصة الخردل
"Sauces, spices, and condiments: definitions, potential benefits, consumption patterns, and global markets"
تعليقات العملاء
You have all my praise and appreciation for your good handling, product quality and speed of delivery, as during only one day after my order for the product, I arrived in Taif
We appreciate how well you worked on packing and exporting Mansour, may God reward him with goodness to the Emirates in terms of size and taste, as the size of the dates is good and big and tastes good and delicious
Mansour for his high-end dealings

متجر تمر عجوة الإلكتروني


معمل للتمر والعجوة بالحشرات..و«الاستهلاكية» تغش بمعجون البندورة
May Allah reward you with good and according to what He loves and which pleases Him
معمل للتمر والعجوة بالحشرات..و«الاستهلاكية» تغش بمعجون البندورة
The order arrived within about 24 hours
يبيع أحد المحال التجارية عبوات مغلفة من التمر ، فإذا كان لديه : العجوة ، و الخلاص ، و السكري، و روثانة ، بحجم صغير