At this time, Canada consists of 13 political divisions | Time in Canada Time in Canada, North America |
During daylight saving time, its time offset is GMT -7 |
Atlantic time AT Areas, which follow the Atlantic Time Zone and which do not apply daylight saving time, there Atlantic Standard Time is used also during the summer months.
22Fleming became a strong advocate of time zones to be used for all purposes | The major difference between the territory and province in Canada is due to the creation of the Constitution Act of 17 Apr 1982 |
If you see a toggle, make sure it turned on and blue | Effective 2007, the local time changes from AST to ADT at 02:00 LST to 03:00 LDT on the second Sunday in March, and returns at 02:00 LDT to 01:00 LST on the first Sunday in November |
Later in 1898 following the Gold Rush the Yukon became a separte territorial administration and in 1999 Nunavut was also separated as a territory with its own administration.