"I am really excited about the work and time you put into developing this cool website tool | |
:- I am absolutely a perfect user for this , as I am that entrepreneur, the user looking to put up ever so often great web pages and small websites for new ideas, services, products, events, etc | Many thanks for the big blocks library, a variety of plugins and this great app! With more block features, increased flexibility, Mobirise would favorably beat the top free website builders - squarespace, wix, weebly, godaddy and probably - wordpress! "I wanted to let you know how much I am fascinated by your product — after working on sites since 1999 — I can have an uppermost landing page or simple website ready in minutes |
I am a professional Web developer with over 20 years of expertise, I used scrap web design techniques and then I used drumbeat HTML page builder, but it was discontinued by Macromedia, now I just think about those wonderful days.
4I have been out of open source Website Development since 2010 so maybe being away from this all wows the hell out of me but you guys deserve a GREAT JOB! This tool is a flying unicorn, the holy grail… the loch ness monster… rare and awesome, and something nobody has ever actually seen | |
Best of luck to you all and I can not wait to see the next updates | So simple and a pleasure to use |
I will pass on your name to all I know.
Catchy and easy to use | |
in the course of running my busy business | " Lance "You have a great basic product formula that appeals to entrepreneurs wanting to build their own web sites without any coding |
No special actions required, all sites you make with the Builder are mobile-friendly.