Unlike his father, Hosny Sherif Abbas, Tamer Hosny grew up with an interest in and played the sport for five years | |
He starred in the 2003 Egyptian film Halet Hob A State of Love | The film was a success at the box office, with total revenue of 22 million Egyptian pounds |
Drama [ ] During Ramadan 2011, Hosny starred in the television drama.
ON Ent 4 October 2016 | Labourdette, Jean-Paul; Auzias, Dominique 2007 |
In an interview with Sherihan Abu Al Hassan on her program Set El Hosn, Hosny said that he doesn't pay much attention to the titles given to him by fans, like "King of a generation" | Hosny launched his solo career with his 2004 album Hob, becoming a successful singer of romantic music and was given the nickname "King of the Generation" by his fans |
This series achieved big Success and high views on YouTube and won best series in 2011 in many votes.
He is an endorser of the soft drink | Tamer Hosny recorded a new duet song with , named Smile |
Directed by Mohammad Samy, it also featured , and | We had to make major plot changes due to financial reasons |
They have two daughters and a son: Talyia, Amaya and Adam.