فيصل يجي. فيصل يجي

":"オフラインの間、こちらをどうぞ…","[ChannelFeaturedCardVideo] Past Broadcast":"過去の配信","[ChannelFeaturedCardVideo] Recent Highlight":"最近のダイジェスト","[ChannelHomePage] It's quiet
静かすぎます…","[ChannelVideosShelf] This channel has no videos":"このチャンネルのビデオはありません","[ChannelVideosShelf] View All":"すべて表示","[ChatInputUpsell] Level up your experience! ","[ChannelFeaturedCardStream] Live":"ライブ配信","[ChannelFeaturedCardStream] While I'm Offline ","[OfflineChannelUpsell] Don't miss out on their next stream! ","[NoResultsError] Booooo : no results found":"残念!結果が見つかりませんでした","[NoResultsError] Please try a different keyword":"他のキーワードをお試しください","[NotFoundError] Sorry, that page is in another castle! ","[PlayerOverlay] This premium content is not available in your region

فيصل يجي


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","[RecommendationShelves] Browse games":"ゲームを探す","[RecommendationShelves] Something went wrong
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","[PlayerOverlay] The broadcaster indicated that this video is intended for mature audiences
":"オフラインの間、こちらをどうぞ…","[ChannelFeaturedCardVideo] Past Broadcast":"過去の配信","[ChannelFeaturedCardVideo] Recent Highlight":"最近のダイジェスト","[ChannelHomePage] It's quiet
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Try adjusting your tags to find what you're looking for
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Pop into their chat and ask them a question! 「ホーム画面に追加」をタップします","[AddToHomeScreenCTA] Add Twitch to Home Screen":"Twitchをホーム画面に追加する","[AddToHomeScreenCTA] Close":"閉じる","[AddToHomeScreenCTA] Get a lightweight Twitch for faster fun
静かすぎます…","[ChannelVideosShelf] This channel has no videos":"このチャンネルのビデオはありません","[ChannelVideosShelf] View All":"すべて表示","[ChatInputUpsell] Level up your experience! ":"神をたたえよう!","[OfflinePageWrapper] Reload":"再読み込み","[OpenInApp] Open in App":"アプリ内で開く","[PlayerOverlay] An error occurred while playing this content ","[ProfileEmptyState] Browse Twitch":"Twitchを見る","[ProfileEmptyState] It's Quiet


","[OfflineChannelUpsell] Don't miss out on their next stream! Safariのメニューバーの「シェア」ボタンをタップします","[AddToHomeScreenCTA] 2 Tap 'Add to Home Screen'":"2.

Safariのメニューバーの「シェア」ボタンをタップします","[AddToHomeScreenCTA] 2 Tap 'Add to Home Screen'":"2
فيصل يجي