والسماء ذات الرجع. والسماء ذات الرجع

Ejaculation is a highly complex process which requires smooth coordination of multiple sections of the nervous system He it is who has brought everything into existence, who is maintaining and sustaining everything in its place and position, and who has taken the responsibility to provide for every creature and to protect it from calamities till an appointed time
New York USA, Chapter 26, Page 354 The brain, of course, plays the greatest role in this matter

عقل وقلب

After inviting man to ponder over the heavens, he is now being invited to consider his own self and see how he has been created, who is it who selects one spermatozoon from among billions of spermatozoa emitted by the father and combines it at some time with one ovum out of a large number of the ova produced by the mother, and thus causes a particular human being to be conceived? Towards the end of the Surah, the unbelievers pose the question: If Allah abhors disbelief, idolatry and sins, why then does He not punish us in this life? It is a classified as Meccan Surah composed of 17 ayat verses.

تفسير سورة الطارق
There is planning, trial, liability, reckoning, reward, severe punishment and lasting bliss
الروائع العلمية : الرائعة 020
The rational conclusion is that man must ponder over the consequences of the deeds he is doing in this life
تفسير سورة الطارق
It the fluid is yellow and fine in texture
Although lexically, an-najm ath-thaqib is singular, it does not imply any one star but the star in the generic sense The Surah ends with a rebuttal to this question
The front part of the body is chest and the back part of the body is the loin This is clearly possible, because whoever is able to begin the creation then he surely is able to repeat it

القرآن الكريم

This means that He is able to return this man that is created from fluid gushed forth.

القرآن الكريم
Therefore, he should not, at any moment of his life, lose sight of what is to happen on the Day of Reckoning
Furthermore, it endeavours to make it an eye of a human whose forefathers had certain features and characteristics distinguishing their eyes
والسماء ذات الرجع والأرض ذات الصدع
On the contrary, an accurate and immediate record is kept, on the basis of which reckoning is made
Another reason for calling the rain raje is that water rises as vapor from the oceans of the earth and then falls back as rain on the same earth Hence, as every group of cells proceeds to fulfil its appointed task in building this structure, it learns to break up into specialized subdivisions, each having its particular function in the general set up
Then it has been said that the God, Who has so brought him into existence, has certainly the power to create him once again, and this resurrection will be for the purpose to subject to scrutiny all the secrets of man which remained hidden in the world meaning, every soul has a guardian over it from Allah that protects it from the calamities

Tafsir of Surah 86 ﴾الطارق﴿ At

This is alerting man to the weakness of his origin from which he was created.

Tafsir of Surah 86 ﴾الطارق﴿ At
"This means that it rains and then it rains again
The spinal cord is 43-45 cm long and is continuation of brain tissue and occupies its place in the center of upper spinal bony vertebral column
السماء ذات الرجع
This one fertilizing cell, of which there are millions in every gush, is hardly visible under the microscope