متجر المغامرين. متجر باتاغونيا كورتينا

Therefore, the shop will never improve
The way they displayed the merchandise was not great and just scattered all over the place The energy in the store was negative and there was zero amount of customer service

متجر باتاغونيا كورتينا

They were all just sitting there looking sad and depressed.

Advsto (متجر المغامرين)
I ended up not buying anything even though I was planning to spend around 1500 SAR at the shop
متجر باتاغونيا كورتينا
I wish them the best
متجر باتاغونيا كورتينا
But unfortunately the experience there was simply not good
I waked around the shop for a few times and not even one employee got up to help

@advsto Instagram posts, stories and followers


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بونّا كافيه بالرياض (الأسعار+ المنيو+ الموقع)
بونّا كافيه بالرياض (الأسعار+ المنيو+ الموقع)