مفتاح سوريا. خلف: الاعتراف بالإدارة الذاتية مفتاح الحل في سوريا

Moscow realizes without any doubt the results of its continuous support to the regime will eventually lead to its isolation on the International and Arab Level
Russia and the Syrian crisis — Geo-strategic interests and complications with the West Since the outbreak of the Syrian Intifada in March 2011, the Arab League, the United States and the European Union have exercised all sorts of pressures against the regime of President of Bashar el-Assad through the council of Arab Foreign Ministers, the Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly How can Moscow be reasoned with and convinced to change its current stance from the Regime? All of these efforts did not succeed in putting and end to the war due to the joint Russian — Chinese stance which is supporting President Assad through the repeated vetoes to block any international resolutions condemning the use of extreme military force by the regime to crush the Intifada

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For how long can Syria keep on opposing the International and Arab will? Moscow was slammed by Arab and Western countries because of its stances that supported the Syrian Regime.

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For how long can Syria keep on playing this role in the field of International legitimacy? The Russian diplomatic and military support to the regime poses a series of questions regarding the reasons and motives behind this policy: what are the objectives which Moscow aims to achieve in Syria and through Syria? Are these motives based on clear strategic interests or due to deep differences with Washington over strategic issues related to the balance of power and the role which Moscow aspire to play in International Policy? Quelles sont les motivations de cette position? Through this research, we will attempt to answer all the questions related to the Russian stance from the Syrian crisis and we will consider the possible change in this stance so that Russia may get involved in the Arab and International efforts aimed at finding the necessary ways to solve the Syrian crisis
مفتاح اتصال سوريا الدولي فتح خط سوريا
خلف: الاعتراف بالإدارة الذاتية مفتاح الحل في سوريا

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مفتاح فتح خط +963
خلف: الاعتراف بالإدارة الذاتية مفتاح الحل في سوريا
خلف: الاعتراف بالإدارة الذاتية مفتاح الحل في سوريا