جوي بوي. Joy Boy

stated that "couldn't be Joy Boy either", after defeating him a second time When the "appointed time" comes, Joy Boy is expected to appear again
Joy Boy left a letter in the form of poneglyph to Poseidon, apologizing for breaking his end of the bargain The true meaning of this expectation remains unknown

قطعة واحدة: من هو جوي بوي ، وكيف يرتبط بلوفي وقبعة القش؟

wished for to open its borders before the day Joy Boy finally reappears.

Joy Boy
2-7 and , The Sea Kings stop and take Noah to be repaired
قطعة واحدة: من هو جوي بوي ، وكيف يرتبط بلوفي وقبعة القش؟
17-19 and , The Roger Pirates find Joy Boy's treasure on Laugh Tale
Joy Boy
History The poneglyph with the apology from Joy Boy
Joy Boy made a promise with the residents of Fish-Man Island 900 years ago, but since the were invented by the 800 years ago, his letter of apology was written at least a century later 16-18 and , Neptune explains to Robin who Joy Boy was
17-19 and , The Roger Pirates find Joy Boy's treasure on Laugh Tale The true meaning of this expectation remains unknown

Joy Boy

He attempted to raise with 's aid, but he broke his promise to Fish-Man Island.

قطعة واحدة: من هو جوي بوي ، وكيف يرتبط بلوفي وقبعة القش؟
Joy Boy left a letter in the form of poneglyph to Poseidon, apologizing for breaking his end of the bargain
قطعة واحدة: من هو جوي بوي ، وكيف يرتبط بلوفي وقبعة القش؟
16-18 and , Neptune explains to Robin who Joy Boy was
قطعة واحدة: من هو جوي بوي ، وكيف يرتبط بلوفي وقبعة القش؟
If the letter was written by Joy Boy himself, he had a lifespan of at least 100 years