مفهوم التسويق. ما هو التسويق وما هي أنواعه وعناصره

31, pp 363—393; Alberti, M , "The Upper Paleolithic Revolution," Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol
, "The Marketing Revolution," Journal of Marketing, Vol 16, pp 339—395; Bar-Yosef, O

مراحل تطور التسويق

"A History of Marketing Thought".

مفهوم بحوث التسويق، أهميته وأنواعه
, 1984 , DOI: 10
مفهوم التسويق الثقافي
Brian; Dix, Laura Farlow 2005
, "The Birth of the Brand: 4000 Years of Branding," Business History, Vol
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, "Medieval Macromarketing Thought," In Macromarketing,George Fisk and Phillip White eds , pp 59—69 " Journal of Macromarketing, Vol

مقدمة إلى علم التسويق

, "Going to Market in Antiquity," In Stuttgarter Kolloquium zur Historischen Geographie des Altertums, Eckart Olshausen and Holger Sonnabend eds , Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2002, p.

eds , The Rise of Marketing and Market Research: Worlds of Consumption, [German Historical Society], NY, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, p
مفهوم التسويق الثقافي
, CA, Longman, Association for Analysis and Research in Marketing, 2005• , "A Personalised Floor Mosaic from Pompeii," American Journal of Archaeology, Vol
مراحل تطور التسويق
, The History of Marketing Thought, Columbus, Ohio, Grid, 1976