ما أضيق العيش لولا فسحة الأمل. معاني ذهبية للمقولة ما أضيق العيش لولا فسحة الأمل شعر

This a survey of Academic freedom and academic freedom only Users displaying poisonous behaviour and who are here just to pick a fight and spread negativity will be banned
But hey you guys are woke, you guys know better But hey you guys are woke, you guys know better

ترتيب الدول العربية حسب مؤشر الحريات الأكاديمية : arabs

As such, we favour posts that are in-depth, insightful, analytical, and encourage discussion, over posts that have little substance and little educational value.

ما اضيق العيش لولا فسحت الامل ...
No low-effort posts As the subreddit grows and the volume of posts with it, the need to be regulate them becomes a necessity
ما أضيق العيش لولا فسحة الأمل..!!
This is not a photo album All non-original photograph posts — cities, nature, bedouins, etc
أجمل أبيات شعر عن الأمل والتفاؤل : ما أضيق العيش لولا فسحة الأمل
I edited my comment with an exact word for word translation and added clarifying comments in parentheses, i genuinely thought that it was impossible to read that phrase and not see the sarcasm but seeing that i got another comment misinterpreting what i said then i guess i was wrong twice
I was obviously disagreeing with the other commenter, his objection to the survey was that it was 'political' my reply to him was yeah no shit it is political, how can you discuss freedom of thought and not deal with politics, not whatever you think i meant You can still post your meme without risk of removal in the pinned open discussion threads
Keep posts relevant to the subreddit Broadly speaking, anything concerning the Arab World, Arabic culture, and the various Arab states, including ethnic and linguistic minorities therein, is welcome But hey you guys are enlightened, you can prophetically read between inexistant lines

ما أضيق العيش .. لولا فسحة الأمل !! :: الأنباط

No nationalism Check your nationalism at the door.

شرح قصيدة من لامية العجم: شرح قصيدة من لامية العجم
are tentatively allowed, although to prevent them taking over the subreddit they will be approved or removed at the moderators' discretion depending on their quality
أعـللُ النَّفسَ بالآمـالِ أرْقُـبُها ما أضْـيقَ العَـيشَ لولا فُسحة الأمَلِ
Nonethless you seem to expect European countries to do better than Israel, but even in countries like France it's not uncommon to censor conferences
ما أضيق العيش .. لولا فسحة الأمل !! :: الأنباط
There are plenty of online Arab spaces where LGBT people are vilified and their existence constantly scrutinized, this does not have to be one of them
The US is a racist country built on ethnic cleansing but nobody would contest that there is a rich and active and pluralistic academic work, seminars and talks, done on racism and colonialism that very few of our countries are close to emulating Well a little bit of charitably wouldn't hurt
Digressions are welcome when they open new avenues for discussion and mutual benefit, however when these digressions descend into shouting matches and bickering they may be removed And omg I'm so dumb I could never guess Freedom of thought was an object of politics

ما أضيق العيش .. لولا فسحة الأمل !! :: الأنباط

No outrage posts Crossposting offensive and obviously inflammatory social media posts is not allowed.

أجمل أبيات شعر عن الأمل والتفاؤل : ما أضيق العيش لولا فسحة الأمل
It is note worthy how the expert responsible for doing field work in Arab universities in the MENA region does not speak Arabic which brings to question the exactness and validity of the questions asked, survey priming especially and phraseology is key in social sciences
أجمل أبيات شعر عن الأمل والتفاؤل : ما أضيق العيش لولا فسحة الأمل
And yeah these kind of surveys are obviously not western propaganda or whatever crazy people claim, my Hanlon's razor is very sharp thank you very much
ما أضيق العيش لولا فسحة الأمل
If you must argue, argue in good faith