تعريف الامانه. مفهوم الأمانة الإنساني والإلهي

The injured hiker was finally able to reach safety — Jim Owczarski, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 17 July 2021 The federal agency cited an engineering firm, a general contractor, a steel erector and many more subcontractors for health and safety violations at the Hard Rock site
— Washington Post, 17 July 2021 The decision to prohibit fans was made for health and safety concerns See More Recent Examples on the Web: Noun The officiating crew for Game 5 was also affected by health and safety protocols

تعريف الأمَانَة لغةً واصطلاحًا

We were reluctant to leave the relative safety of our hotel.

الأمانة العلمية في الرسائل العلمية
2021 The team is reviewing options including a traditional indoor event at an area hotel or an outdoor event should safety protocols warrant
الأمانة العلمية في الرسائل العلمية
— Alvaro Montano, Houston Chronicle, 6 Oct
الفصل الخامس عشر
— Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 26 Apr
The toys are inspected for safety Noun The changes were made in the interest of public safety
com, 16 July 2021 Recent Examples on the Web: Verb David published a great paper in Nature late last year showing that in mice Yamanaka gene therapy can safety reprogram the epigenome of the retina and restore vision in a mouse model of glaucoma — Jeff Miller, Los Angeles Times, 4 Dec

مكانة الأمانة في الإسلام

He made some suggestions about how to improve airline safety.

مفهوم الأمانة الإنساني والإلهي
2020 After an hour-long rescue involving three ropes, firefighters brought the man and his son to safety around 11:30 a
ماهي أهمية الأمانة فى المجتمع
The car has been redesigned for improved safety
مفهوم الأمانة الإنساني والإلهي
2020 Talbot said their hope is that the maze can be a place where families can safety enjoy outdoor family time, just to feel some kind of sense of normalcy, especially through the pandemic