تعريف العمل ضمن فريق. أهمية العمل الجماعي الفعال والمباديء التي يقوم عليها

"Does Team Training Improve Team Performance? Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society "Accounting for Teamwork: a Critical Study of Group-Based Systems of Organizational Control"
The Academy of Management Review Hoegl, Martin, and Hans Georg Gemuenden 2001

العمل ضمن فريق

Effective Teamwork: Practical Lessons from Organizational Research.

العمل ضمن فريق
"Teamwork Quality and the Success of Innovative Projects: a Theoretical Concept and Empirical Evidence"
العمل ضمن فريق : كيف تتمتع بفريق أكثر إنتاجية وتناغماً ؟
"Error Reduction and Performance Improvement in the Emergency Department through Formal Teamwork Training: Evaluation Results of the MedTeams Project"
فريق العمل
"The Cognitive Underpinnings of Effective Teamwork: a Meta-Analysis"
"The Experience and Evolution of Trust: Implications for Cooperation and Teamwork"
"A Temporally Based Framework and Taxonomy of Team Processes" 13 Supplement 1 : i85—i90

العمل ضمن فريق

23 1 : 7—11, 13—41, 43—79, 81—106.

فريق العمل
"The Human Factor: the Critical Importance of Effective Teamwork and Communication in Providing Safe Care"
9 من أهم مميزات العمل ضمن فريق
The Journal of Management Development
9 من أهم مميزات العمل ضمن فريق
"A Process Perspective on Leadership and Team Development"