Their person would then be quizzed on the art and had to answer three questions correctly so teams could receive their next clue | They had to find the letters for a word and would then be raised by their partner to a board, where they had to spell the word to receive their next clue |
Teams then had to properly set up the interior of the hut to receive their next clue | השקעה עצומה בעונה עם מתמודדים אהובים ומוכרים התקפלה, למרבה הצער, בפני כמה סלבריטאים במסיכה שהופיעו בין דאחקות של שחר חסון |
After either task, teams returned to Ocho Food Stop to find out if they had been U-Turned.
6Joseph the Worker, teams had to convince ten people to carry a around Plaza Rizal in a tradition known as | Teams then voted for the team they wished to Yield |
Teams would then vote for the team they wished to Yield | Once the lights turned off, they then had to direct their partner to turn on all of the unlit bulbs to receive their next clue |
לא נעים להגיד, אבל אם היה צדק בעולם אז עומר ונטע - על כל תשע הנשמות שלהם - היו מודחים במקומם ובן ואורי, הג'נטל ג'יאנטס של העונה הזאת, היו לפחות מחתימים כרטיס בפרק האחרון, בזכות ולא בצדק.