وما تدري نفس بأي أرض تموت تويتر. «وما تدري نفس بأي أرض تموت».. آخر منشور لمجند لقي مصرعه بحريق «مرور السويس»

English - Sahih International : Indeed Allah [alone] has knowledge of the Hour and sends down the rain and knows what is in the wombs And no soul perceives what it will earn tomorrow and no soul perceives in what land it will die Indeed Allah is Knowing and Acquainted• Likewise, about the end of the world also there is no alternative but to rely on Allah's decree and decision You actually desire that you should have the knowledge of each of these things so that you may make necessary preparations beforehand, but you have no other course open to you than to depend only on Allah's decree and disposal in these matters
Somali - Abduh : Eebe agtiisuu yahay ogaanshaha Saacadda Qiyaame iyo Roob di'iddu wuxuuna ogyahay waxa makaanka Ilma galeenka ku sugan nafna ma oga waxay mudan Barri Nafna ma oga Dhulkay ku dhiman Eebaa og xeelna dheer• bahwasanya kunci-kunci kegaiban itu ada lima perkara, antara lain sesungguhnya Allah hanya pada sisi-Nya sajalah pengetahuan tentang hari kiamat, dan seterusnya " Here, another thing also should be understood well, and it is this: This verse dces not give a list of the unseen and hidden things, which are known to no one but Allah

قلوبنا معك يا حبيبنا أبا سليمان

sajalah yang mengetahui hal ini.

The four sentences that follow constitute the argument to support it
قلوبنا معك يا حبيبنا أبا سليمان
AIlah has kept all this information with Himself alone; and has not given you any knowledge of any of these
تفسير قوله تعالى: {وما تدري نفس بأي أرض تموت}
Your prosperity and adversity mainly depend on the rain
You do not know where your present life will eventually cane to an end 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 在真主那里,的确有关于复活时的知识,他常降及时雨,他知道胎儿的(性别);而任何人都不知道自己明日将做什么事,任何人都不知道自己将死在什么地方。 you do not have the knowledge even about those things with which you are most closely and intimately concerned in life
Dan tiada seorang pun yang dapat mengetahui di bumi mana dia akan mati hanya Allah swt Here only some of the most apparent things have been pointed out only to serve as an illustration

تفسير قوله تعالى: {وما تدري نفس بأي أرض تموت}

Melayu - Basmeih : Sesungguhnya di sisi Allah pengetahuan yang tepat tentang hari kiamat Dan Dia lah jua yang menurunkan hujan dan yang mengetahui dengan sebenarbenarnya tentang apa yang ada dalam rahim ibu yang mengandung Dan tiada seseorang pun yang betul mengetahui apa yang akan diusahakannya esok sama ada baik atau jahat; dan tiada seorangpun yang dapat mengetahui di bumi negeri manakah ia akan mati Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Amat Meliputi pengetahuanNya• Swahili - Al-Barwani : Hakika kuijua Saa ya Kiyama kuko kwa Mwenyezi Mungu Na Yeye ndiye anaye iteremsha mvua Na anavijua viliomo ndani ya matumbo ya uzazi Na haijui nafsi yoyote itachuma nini kesho Wala nafsi yoyote haijui itafia nchi gani Hakika Mwenyezi Mungu ndiye Mwenye kujua Mwenye khabari• But its control and regulation is entirely in the hand of Allah.

«وما تدري نفس بأي أرض تموت».. آخر منشور لمجند لقي مصرعه بحريق «مرور السويس»
The Qur'an has answered this sometimes by citing the question and sometimes without citing it, because the addressees knew what they were asking
فصل: خامسًا‏:‏ وما تدري نفس بأي أرض تموت
The argument means this: "O man
These are the things with which man is most deeply and intimately concerned, yet he is unaware of them