شبكة الانترنت. إنترنت

NASA media advisory M10-012, January 22, 2010 Menta, Richard December 9, 1999
"The World's Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information" Carr, David May 11, 2014

عمارة ومداولات شبكة الإنترنت worksheet

Lohr, Steve February 4, 2015.

Falk eds , , Internet Society, March 2006• Thomas Greene; Larry James Landweber; George Strawn 2003
David Roessner; Barry Bozeman; Irwin Feller; Christopher Hill; Nils Newman 1997
اختبار سرعة الإنترنت
AFIPS '70 Fall Proceedings of the November 17-19, 1970, fall joint computer conference
"The Cyclades Experience-Results and Impacts" ACM Transactions on Computer Systems TOCS
American Telephone and Telegraph Co


The Internet was born of a big idea: Messages could be chopped into chunks, sent through a network in a series of transmissions, then reassembled by destination computers quickly and efficiently.

مميزات شبكة الانترنت
IRE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics
اختبار سرعة الإنترنت
National Inventors Hall of Fame
مميزات شبكة الانترنت
Mark Dye; Rick McDonald; Antoon Rufi 2007